The Big One turns 3!

I have been lucky enough to spend 3 years with my adorable little boy. In a lot of ways the time has flown by and in many others time stood still. The Big One has taught me SO many things in his 3 years. He made me understand what people meant when they said, you don’t know what true love is until you are staring into the eyes of your newborn baby.

1 hour old.

I now know the true torture that is sleep deprivation. I have become protective and more cautious than I ever thought I would be. He has made me learn patience, kindness, playfulness, and respect. I have become a master at puzzles and can sing the theme song to every show on Disney Jr. I conquered my fear of potty training and learned how to talk on a toddlers level. We have cried together and laughed together, the kind of laughter that makes your eyes water and your stomach hurt.

6 months old.

I can still remember spending hours watching him learn to crawl and walk. And then re-watching the home videos from those events over and over.

1 year old.

The Big One is currently loving cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes. He has recently started using his imagination to make up stories about his cars.  They usually involve a Mommy and a Daddy.

2 years old.

He LOVES music.  He is quite the singer and can sing along to lots of songs.  He knows Twinkle Twinkle, You Are My Sunshine, Old MacDonald and many others he learned at preschool.


3 years old.

The Big One has become very independent. He is in the “I’ll do it by myself stage.” He has to get in the car by himself, take his own shoes off, go potty alone (I love it when I find pee on the wall!), and get his own snacks to name a few things.

He is a sincerely sweet kid and I’m quite smitten with him. Happy Birthday Buddy!

5 thoughts on “The Big One turns 3!

  1. Happy Birthday to your adorable little guy! I can’t wait to have children of my own someday!! (I
    m a firm marriage before baby carriage believer over here, so children are still in ‘someday’)

  2. Great tribute to one of the most adorable little guys EVER. He’s always so cute and entertaining … even when he was having an occassional tough day!

    Since he loves cars, perhaps a car analogy is in order: I guess he’s been a little like owning an exotic car – they are awesome, but not low maintenance … yet you wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Of course, I do want to brag and remind everyone who his favorite often was over the past 3 years – PAPA! Nothing brightened my day more than looking up the stairs and seeing Daxy get excited, (kicking his legs excited!) and yelling, “PAPA!” I will never forget those incredible memories.

    I love you so much big boy!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to the Big One! 3 years old already. He is growing up so fast. Before you know it, he will be in High School and you will be asking yourself ” what happend to my little baby” that’s where I am now. The time goes by so fast! Enjoy your kids and suck it all in before we know it they will be out of the house and on their own! Have a nice weekend. ❤

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