
I, like many of you out there, have struggled with my weight most of my life.  I was a pretty average kid until middle school hit and then I slowly began gaining weight.

High School
  By High School I was 20 pounds overweight and at the end of my college years I had 35 pounds to shed.  I had done every diet out there and was never able to keep the weight off.

Finally, after I had my first baby (The Big One) I lost about 30 pounds and was feeling great! Until…I got pregnant again only 1 short year after The Big One was born.  The pregnancy went well but I added 40 pounds to my 5’1 frame.

At my all time biggest about 3 months before getting pregnant with my first baby.

Today, 12 months after baby boy #2 (The Little One) was born I am at my happy weight. 


I am currently training for my first half marathon on October 13, working out 6 days a week and eating super healthy 85% of the time.  I won’t say I have it all figured out when it comes to health and fitness, but I am getting there.  I am excited to share my routines, workouts, recipes and general fitness ideas with you.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Great pictures! Btw, you look fantastic in everyone of those pictures Britty … you’re a beautiful person!

  2. I can sure relate to your story! You are an inspiration!

    How exciting that your half is this weekend! I wish you all the best. Enjoy every second of it and relish in the fact that you’ve come so far! That doesn’t happen without lots of hard work!

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